Corporate and Legal Attorney Litigation Support provides court intelligence services for jury research and selection advice. When a case comes to court, the rapid gathering of publicly available background information about potential jurors is critical in juror selection. An effective litigation strategy also requires an understanding of the other party, her claims and defenses, and the background of expert and factual witnesses.
CandLA Litigation & Trial Intelligence Service uses digital forensics and business intelligence and analytics capabilities to gather data (aggregated contextual information about public records, social media data, and detailed demographic information) to provide legal teams with jury Provides member selection information. This is related to going beyond traditional decision-making processes. This combination of real-time background research helps legal teams make more informed strategic decisions through litigation strategy.
The CandLA team sees more research than anyone else. You’ll know what works and what doesn’t. Graphics and animation are very important, but they’re also what make sure you’re doing everything right to tell your client the best story in court. We willl
Evaluate and eliminate jurors whose background, preferences, business, or other relationships do not serve the best interests of the client.
Gain valuable insight into the background of the other party and witnesses.
Monitor jurors and public social conversations and sentiment to drive trial strategy.
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